Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Color Reference

I collected these paintings from blogs I follow religiously, and I love the atmosphere these artists created and I felt that they'd be a great reference point I can use for this Short.

And these below are some great Color scripts created by Tyler Schatz. Tyler collaborated helped me figuring out the mood of the piece, his sense of lighting is real sophisticated.

And here's his early take on the first two scenes in the short, real great work.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Initial Boards

In this post I'm going to share some of the storyboards and thumbnails I drew for the short. I usually thumbnail them real quick in my sketchbook, on flashcards, or on a storyboard panel, and try to figure out the space, the camera angle, and the staging. This phase is usually dedicated to thinking/exploring the possibilities of the better looking frame/pose to hit, and it helps me shaving off all the unwanted fat.

Here's some camera work out of my sketchbook.

These are some of the boards I drew on panels with little sound FX/reminders and notes on the side. 

 And here's one of the scenes that I had to kiss good by; It was just too long and unnecessary for the story, I did these on flashcards.

And below is a link to the boards in untimed animatic form.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quick Look Development And Motion Test

A quick and dirty style frame put together by Tyler Schatz.
 Ain't it pretty!!

And here's my early test with TVPaint. I see a lot of mistakes already.

2D animation test4 from Jamil Lahham on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Early Studies and Inspiratiosn

Vintage Change Machines
Vintage washing machines

Early thoughts and designs.

Most current character design.